The animated film "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya" has been acclaimed as a beautiful anything and everything film. However, a video distribution service that is dependent on the Internet environment may not allow you to fully appreciate the beauty of this film. Therefore, we will examine how to choose a video distribution service and suggest a way to safely download the movie so that you can watch it offline.
The Tale of Princess Kaguya" is an animated film produced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Isao Takahata, released in 2013. The film is based on an old Japanese tale, "Taketori Monogatari" (The Tale of the Bamboo-Cutter).
The story begins when a master bamboo-cutter named Taketori no O discovers a little princess, Kaguyahime, who emerges from a shining bamboo and raises her with his wife. Kaguyahime grows rapidly and becomes a beautiful woman. Her beauty spreads throughout the land, and many suitors appear, but Kaguyahime rejects all their proposals. At the end of the story, it is revealed that Kaguyahime is actually a princess from the Moon Kingdom, destined to return to the Moon after her life on Earth. Memories of her life on Earth and her farewell to her family are movingly depicted.
The film "The Story of Princess Kaguya" has received worldwide acclaim for its beautiful artwork, moving storytelling, and Isao Takahata's careful portrayal. It was especially praised for its treatment of themes such as women's freedom and choice, the definition of happiness, and human life and death.
Distribution Service |
Distribution Status |
DVD Rental |
No distribution |
d-Anime Store |
No distribution |
No distribution |
ABEMA Premium |
No distribution |
Hulu |
No distribution | |
No distribution |
Amazon Prime |
No distribution |
Not available |
Crank In Video |
Not available |
Netflix |
No distribution |
Lemino |
No distribution |
Disney Plus |
Not available |
FOD Premium |
No distribution |
Paravi |
Not available |
No distribution |
As you can see from the table, the movie "The Tale of Princess Kaguya" is not available on video distribution sites, and TSUTAYA DISCAS is recommended for free viewing.
TSUTAYA DISCAS's "Flat-rate rental4" plan is a home-delivery rental service that normally costs 1,026 yen per month (tax included), but it is available for free for 14 days after the initial registration.
During this trial period, you can rent as many old DVDs as you like, and you can watch the movie "The Tale of Princess Kaguyahime" in full for free.
Although the movie is not yet available on video distribution sites, it is highly likely that it will be available on other video distribution sites in the future. Therefore, we will show you how to watch your favorite movie "The Tale of Princess Kaguya" anytime, anywhere.
Below is how to use Y2Mate DRM Downloader, a popular and secure video downloader. Using this method, you can download the video and watch it offline.
Step 1: First, download and install the software from the official website.
Step 2: Next, visit the website where the video you want to download is located and play the video. Y2Mate DRM Downloader will automatically analyze the video and start preparing it for download.
Step 3: Finally, simply click the "Download" button to begin downloading the video.
In this article, we have summarized how to choose a video service to enjoy "The Tale of Kaguyahime" to the fullest, how to safely download the video, and how to watch it in high quality on your PC. To enjoy "The Tale of Princess Kaguya" in high quality anytime, anywhere, please take this opportunity to try the above methods.