如果您對流媒體音樂,視頻和計算機上的其他內容感興趣,則可以在系統上安裝Plex Media服務器。該服務器具有許多優勢,包括將您的內容存儲在服務器上並將其流式傳輸到各種設備的能力。它還允許您在其中添加插件。繼續閱讀以了解如何。您將能夠從Plex Media Server流式傳輸音樂和視頻內容,並添加更多用戶和庫。
如果您有興趣為您的家庭網絡設置PLEX Media Server,那麼您來了。該服務器是一個自託管的媒體播放器系統,可存儲電影,電視節目,音樂和照片。它已經成長為多平台應用程序,這意味著您可以在許多平台上使用它。這是在Fedora 35上安裝它的方法。首先,您需要下載Plex。
您可以在各種平台和設備上安裝Plex Media Server,可以通過安裝程序包進行。確保選擇支持符號鏈接和硬鏈接的文件系統類型。如果您的文件系統不允許符號鏈接或硬鏈接,則可能需要在單獨的驅動器上安裝Plex Media Server。添加媒體很容易,您可以使用PLEX輕鬆添加更多媒體。
PLEX Media Server所需的硬件取決於您要播放的文件類型。它需要大量的處理能力。必須至少處理兩個GHz的CPU。同樣,建議使用足夠空間的硬盤驅動器。即使您沒有很多處理能力,您的計算機也應該能夠處理多個同時的用戶和本地文件。如果您有低端硬件,則仍然可以在舊PC上安裝PLEX。
可以從官方網站下載Plex Media Server的設置文件。要安裝PLEX,請以管理員的身份啟動它。然後,您可以通過選擇“以管理員為管理員”選項來檢查錯誤。如果您在錯誤的位置找到文件,則可以嘗試使用CCleaner卸載程序。然後重新啟動您的計算機以確保其正常工作。這應該解決您正在遇到的安裝中的任何錯誤。
在NAS上安裝了PLEX後,該設置其客戶端應用程序了。如果您已經將其安裝在Synology NAS上,則可以使用PLEX訪問您的共享文件夾。如果您不使用NAS,請在PC上安裝PLEX,並且可以使用。如果您在安裝PLEX時遇到困難,請在網絡上查看PLEX論壇。
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要開始使用PLEX,您必須首先下載媒體服務器並將其最小化在任務欄的通知區域中。從那裡,單擊任務欄中的圖標以訪問媒體服務器的接口。媒體服務器顯示為Web瀏覽器。該界面用空儀表板打開。單擊音樂,視頻和照片,然後單擊加號以將其添加到Plex Media Server中。您還可以更改每個圖標的名稱以適合您的個人喜好。
您可以在具有足夠存儲空間的任何計算機上安裝PLEX。您還應該具有穩定的互聯網連接。為了避免搖晃的連接,您應該使用以太網電纜。此外,您應該考慮將媒體服務器與嵌入式計算機(例如Raspberry Pi 4)一起使用。
儘管大多數安裝使用單個服務器,但可以使用PLEX創建多個服務器。To create more than one server, click the Settings icon in the top right corner of the web client. Select Server and choose a Friendly name. Click the Claim server button to confirm the server linkage. Once the server is linked, you can view the list of media on the Plex media server. This will help you locate your desired media and download it.
You can access your music library through a web browser, or you can download an app for iOS and Android. Additionally, Plex has audio-only apps for platforms like Sonos. Plex is similar to most streaming music services. However, it's important to remember that all music you upload to Plex is yours. It's even possible to share your music library with friends who also have Plex accounts.
If you're someone who collects and manages media, Plex Media Server might be the best solution for you. This multimedia server will help you curate your own entertainment collection and stream it to your high-definition television or tablet. In addition, Plex Media Server supports streaming media from popular music and video services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Hulu. In addition to the numerous options, Plex Media Server is also easy to set up.
After you have installed Plex Media Server on your network, you need to install the app for Plex on other devices. After this, you can connect to your server through the Internet by signing into your myPlex account. Alternatively, you can use your email to sign in to Plex's server over the Internet. Then, simply sign in to myPlex with your account details to access your media.
Another benefit of Plex is that you can access your entire digital library, even if you have multiple devices. The app supports both Mac and Windows operating systems. You can also install Plex on network-attached storage to have a large library of media on one machine. You can then stream your content to any device that has Internet access. This can be an excellent solution for people with several devices and a limited budget.
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Adding plugins to Plex is a simple process that can dramatically enhance your Plex experience. These optional add-ons add a variety of functions to the media player, including subtitle management, content recommendation, and organization. Using these add-ons can also make Plex more fun to use. In this article, we'll discuss the basics of Adding plugins to Plex. If you want to get the most out of this free media server, we'll take a look at a few of the most popular plugins available for Plex.
WebTools is an essential addition to any Plex Media Server. This tool takes the place of the usual channel interface and utilizes Plex's built-in web-server. The WebTools interface is responsive and works well on mobile devices, giving you a broader range of control over your Plex Media server. WebTools' modules include FindMedia, Logs, PlayList, and more. It also grants you access to the UAS, which makes adding Plex plugins even easier. Unfortunately, WebTools is no longer being developed. It will work until Plex ends support for the plugins.
Adding plugins to Plex can be tricky, but it's still possible. While Plex no longer supports plugins, you can still install them manually. To do this, download the plugin name--bundle folder, and right-click the Plex bottom tray and select "open plugins folder."
Another popular Plex plugin is Kitana, which automatically syncs different Plex servers. It also helps you manage plugins and simplifies sideloading. In addition, it allows you to set up auto-ups, which means you never have to remember which plugin you installed. This plugin is a free download. To get the most out of Plex, download the latest version and give it a try!
Another useful plugin is Tautulli, which allows you to add different content libraries to your Plex media server. The plugin offers detailed server statistics that show what content is watched in real time, and allows you to sort files by name. Using Tautulli will enable you to receive notification whenever new content is added to the server. This is especially helpful for sharing your library with friends. This plugin also works well with other users and can help you organize your content.
將插件添加到PLEX很容易,並且不需要任何技術技能。但是,由於Plex已停止對插件的支持,因此插件論壇變得越來越少。將插件添加到PLEX的最簡單方法是使用不支持的App Store。此應用商店可讓您安裝並卸載PLEX的插件。安裝插件後,您必須重新啟動PLEX,以確保已正確安裝新插件。
要將插件添加到PLEX Media Server中,請瀏覽“不支持的應用商店”,並查找包含您喜歡的插件的文件夾。插件通常位於郵政編碼中。在安裝它們之前,您需要解開它們。接下來,重新啟動您的PLEX Media Server以啟用新插件。這將使您管理播放列表,視頻和音頻文件。庫更新後,您可以開始向PLEX添加插件。
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